Places to Stay

We have reserved several blocks of hotel rooms in and around Norwich (at several price points).  We can also accommodate camping on the farm (with access to indoor plumbing).

With Dartmouth College/Hanover New Hampshire just across the river there are numerous hotels in the area. Please don't hesitate to email Abby if you need more info or help identifying additional options.

Norwich Inn Norwich, Vermont
(p) 802-649-1143

Rooms are between approx. $135 - $219 per night.
Ask for the Crossen/Griggs Wedding

Hampton Inn White River Junction, Vermont
(p) 802-296-2800 or 800-HAMPTON

Rooms are approx. $120 per night
Ask for Crossen Wedding

Butternut Lane Bed & Breakfast Norwich, Vermont
(p) 802-649-1549 or

Rooms are approx. $108 per night. Full B&B is reserved for the wedding.
Ask for Griggs Wedding Weekend